Sunday, July 12, 2015


my girlfriend is amazing she is also my best friend i would like to take some time to brag about her :) 
she is always there for me even though we are 1200 miles apart i have nothing to hide from her and i share everything with her thats the best kind of relationship when u can love each other from a distance it does require a heck alot of trust but she is 100% worth it anyways love knows no distance and for that i will stay true 

Friday, July 10, 2015

confederate flag

alright i support the confederate flag it is a a sign of heritage not hate its all them dumb liberals who dont know the facts from the fiction who think it is a sign of hate i mean you got African americans who support it  so what does that say HERITAGE NOT HATE


alright guys i am so sorry i know it has been a while since i posted anything worth reading im so sorry for that i have been busy this summer and havent had the time to post much and i know i said ill be active the thing is my laptop works but the hinges are coming off i know i should have been more carefull and it really is not mine it is my moms but anyways i really will try if you want you could follow me on facebook my name is kevin lafavour i will be making  a page later on in life for now you can follow me on fb ill be on here and fb for now i may use g+ when i get the chance until we meet again chow :)